Monday, December 14, 2015

The Future of Northern Europe

Right now the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference held in Paris has just finished and there have been decisions reached. The consensus of the summit is to peak greenhouse gas emissions as soon as it is possible and to achieve a balance between sources and sinks of greenhouse gases in the second half of this century, to keep global temperature increase "well below" 2C (3.6F) and to pursue efforts to limit it to 1.5C, the progress will be reviewed every five years and there will be $100 billion a year in climate finance for developing countries and a commitment to further finance in the future.

Although this decision by the Summit affects 196 countries not just Northern Europe if it is carried through with it could have long term positive environmental effects for the world at large including Northern Europe. Although the deal isn’t perfect it is still the first pact to commit all countries to cut carbon emissions. Although the future of Northern Europe is still uncertain resent developments like this one may help to protect the future of this region or at least be a step in the right direction for future change.